Mission Statement:
We are disciples who nurture each other, pray with love and share the joy of Christ.

Pastor Tammie Rinker
402 Third Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Come Worship With Us!
9:30 Sunday School
10:45 Worship

The Moravian Church considers marriage "to be honorable among all" and "not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discreetly, and with reverence for God." As early as 1764 a special Marriage Liturgy was prepared for use at Moravian weddings. In response to the solemn questions of the marriage ceremony (Hymnal, pp. 116, 117) the couple pledge themselves "to live together, in the holy bond of marriage," and to be "faithful... so long as both shall live."
West Side Moravian hosts marriage ceremonies for couples regardless of religious affiliation. Call the office for details.

Sunday School
West Side Moravian Church began as a Sunday School for central Moravian Church on Main Street. At that time, public schools were not available, so the church took on the work of teaching children reading, writing, and arithmetic. Over time, as public schools emerged congregations began to teach only matters of Christian faith and practice.
West Side Moravian continues to host an adult Sunday School every Sunday at 9:30AM. Everyone is welcome, regardless of religious affiliation.

In the liturgy of the Baptism of Children the child is presented by the parents, who publicly declare their intention "to love and nurture (the child) in Christ." Sponsors (sometimes called Godparents), by their presence, join in undertaking this duty. The minister baptizes the child by pouring or sprinkling water on its head and pronounces the admonition: "therefore live, yet not you alone, but Christ live in you; and the life which you now live, live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved you, and gave his life for you." This is followed by the Old Testament benediction.
In Adult Baptism a person who has not been baptized in infancy makes a public profession of faith in Christ and of their desire to "turn away from sin, evil, and selfishness in your thoughts, words, and actions."